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- Felipe Giron
Felipe Giron
"I was born in 1960 in the Cajul district of the Oyon province, and I've loved to paint ever since childhood. I started pursuing it in my teenage years, and I was even winning awards. I studied design and painting to a professional level at an art institute in my village, and a year later I moved to Lima when the opportunity arose to work at an arts and crafts workshop. They specialized in wood and painted glass.
<br><br>"I also worked at a car repair workshop to save money and be able to forge ahead into the future.
<br><br>"By 1983 I was able to start a small handicrafts workshop where I worked on orders placed by other people or businesses, all the while yearning to work on my own designs. The pieces that I began to craft on my own made their way to exhibitions and won competitions organized by Peru's Industrial and Tourism Ministry.
<br><br>"Parallel to my professional growth, my personal life was also growing. I married Nilda, from Ayacucho, and we have three children, Omar, Flor and Rosa.
<br><br>"I love the work that I do, so I look after every detail. My inspiration comes from Peru's original cultures.
<br><br>"I am grateful to God for giving me the gift of art. With my hands I am able to create artful pieces that the community likes and uses. I capture the essence of our culture, I am part of it, and I make sure it doesn't get lost in the passing of time."