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- Jamriang

"I am Jamriang Pookintah, from Lamphun, born on 3 July, 1967. My name, Jamriang, means 'radiance and progress,' perhaps my name marked my destiny? I am married and have two daughters. We live in a warm family environment where I can always count on my mother when I need cheering up. My father has passed away. <br><br>
"I had always planned on leading a quiet life at home, taking care of my mother and then my children. Then I met my husband and my life changed! His family worked with cotton textiles, and they invited me to join. I learned all that I could and found myself enjoying it. I never thought this would have been possible - I don't even have a college degree! <br><br>
"However, I have always enjoyed dressing up and designing, so it really was a good opportunity for me. It also meant I could help my relatives and eventually more people from my village. <br><br>
"When I was younger I had envisioned a traditional lifestyle for me, staying at home and nothing fancy. My husband changed all of that, and we have a better lifestyle than what I had thought possible. It was a great challenge for me, but he believed in me and encouraged me. With my husband's support, I felt brave enough to try new things and meet new people. Now, I love my work and dedicate my free time to my family. <br><br>
"My designs are suited for a modern lifestyle, though they are rich with Thai traditions and culture, such as classic paintings or flowers. I'm proud of my designs because I have seen how people take to them and like them. Your satisfaction inspires me to constantly create new designs. <br><br>
"My goal would be to one day show the world my designs. I've tried it on my own, but it was quite a challenge trying to figure out other countries' market. I would love it if, one day, my apparel and accessories become well-known internationally, and people everywhere used my designs. Thai cotton is of good quality and what we create here is as good as that of any industrial country. <br><br>
"I consider myself to be quite a lively person, and this I transmit through my designs. The patterns are energetic and the cotton textures are soft. Thank you for helping my display my products to the world."