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- Quipac

"I'm David Quispe Concha and I was born in Cuzco in 1960. My artistic name is Quipac. I consider myself a hardworking man. I'm painstaking when creating unique jewelry and am passionate about my art. <br><br>
"It all began when I finished school, but the situation at that time was complicated. My family and I had to work for a living and we turned to Andean silver. It has always interested us, especially me because we live in Cuzco and I wanted to create beautiful designs with this material. <br><br>
"My family's support was fundamental, above all, that of my wife. She taught me to work in silver and how to capture the most significant part of my culture and translate it to my jewelry. It was very enriching and, of course, it took me a lot of time, dedication, effort and perseverance. I eventually achieved the elegance, beauty and uniqueness that make my jewelry appreciated not just for its finishes, but also for its meaning. <br><br>
"In the beginning, I went through many difficulties. I borrowed tools because I didn't have my own. I burned my hands and even set my workshop on fire. I ruined a lot of pieces and spent many days and nights attempting to improve my designs, but it wasn't in vain. Today, I feel proud remembering those times in my life that made me stronger. Because of them, I constantly seek perfection and, thanks to those errors, I've gained the skills to create what I want. <br><br>
"I most enjoy crafting replicas of colonial reliquaries. They are a challenge ? from shaping the silver, incorporating the hand-painted saint's image in oils on canvas and protecting it within the reliquary pendant. These have become my passion because they require my maximum effort and concentration on every detail. It's very challenging and I love to see a finished piece of jewelry. <br><br>
"My inspiration comes from nature, from my homeland where my best memories were created ? green fields, rain, the radiant morning sun, and my wife and my family who motivate me to get ahead. <br><br>
"My material is high quality silver. My reliquary jewelry is unique and reflects Cuzco's traditional beauty. <br><br>
"I'm very happy to be a part of Novica. It's wonderful to show Peruvian talent to people around the world."